Sunday, November 28, 2010

Living Proof now has a Blog!


I'm Joe Mohs, co-founder of Living Proof and recovered from autism for the last 23 years. The launch of Living Proof has been one of the most exciting events in my life and I'd like to thank everyone who has shown interest in the site and its cause! All the feedback and praise that I've received for my speaking engagements and YouTube videos has been remarkable, and I would like to thank everyone who responded in addition to those who joined my group on Facebook.

Spreading the message of recovery through Love, Responsibility and Hope to those who need it the most is no simple task, as one could only begin to imagine, and although I've been honored to attend a number of speaking engagements throughout my home state of Minnesota in months past, I knew that there was a long road ahead of me if I wanted to accomplish this mission. 

A large number of health professionals in the United States still believe in the myth that autism cannot be treated, and far too many parents have been told this terrible lie and have not even given the proper advice on what to do in order create even the slightest positive outcome for their child. 

The truth about autism could not be any more different, and as you've probably guessed, I picked the name of my venture as my answer to anyone who would deny this fact otherwise. I'm Living Proof. I lived with autism, recovered despite the odds against me, and now I'm ready to tell the world that if a family fears for the uncertainty of their son or daughter if diagnosed with autism, they need to stay energetic, have a positive attitude, and seek the right guidance and best treatment available for their child; just like mine did nearly two decades ago. If autism, a condition once thought to have been untreatable, can be treated, then anyone has the power within themselves to overcome nearly any life-threatening crisis.

The urgency of getting this message across a vast number of people demanded a more efficient way of reaching the public. That's why I created this blog. It's directly linked to the main site,, and will act as an interactive open discussion in hopes to cover many topics and events relating to autism, recovery, overcoming a personal crisis (i.e. grief, addiction), and related material. Comments are more than welcome and encouraged to provide multiple opinions and views on a topic and to prevent any post being interpreted as biased. 

I look forward to your feedback and composing future posts in the weeks ahead!

Join my Facebook group by clicking here

Watch my videos on YouTube here


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